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Chapter 14 Select a process you are involved in, such as being

Chapter 14

Select a process you are involved in, such as being taught, cooking, cleaning, etc. What might be the benefits of benchmarking this process and with whom could you compare your performance? How would this lead to the benefits identified? (10 pts)

What are the downsides of benchmarking? (10 pts)

Obtain information on one of the quality award schemes and assess how effective you think it is.
(10 pts)

Chapter 15

Respond to the case exercise at the end of Chapter 15 (pgs. 404-406) (10 pts)

Chapter 16

Construct a cultural web for your university/college course or for a tourism/service company. Which elements of the web help or hinder service delivery? What god of management is at work here? (10 pts)

Evaluate an organization’s website or annual report and assess the words used, or not used. Describe their paradigm. (10 pts)

Chapter 17

List 5 organizations that deliver world-class service. What is it that they do particularly well? (10 pts)

How do organizations go about becoming and remaining world-class? (10 pts)

Think about an organization that you are currently working at or very familiar with. What is the organization? In terms of becoming and remaining a world-class organization, would you describe it as ‘aspiring,’ ‘ongoing,’ or ‘embedding?’ What do you think it needs to do to make a change for the better? (10 pts)


What do you believe are the top 3 things (ideas/topics) to keep in mind when addressing service operations overall? Why? (10 pts)

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