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2 Discussion 2 – Week 3 Discussion 2 My Discussion Discussion 2:


Discussion 2 – Week 3 Discussion 2 My Discussion

Discussion 2: Characteristics of Midlife Crises

Midlife crises have different characteristics in different genders. There are different characteristics of a midlife crisis, including depression which involves a change in eating habits, fatigue, change in sleeping habits, hopelessness, anxiety, feelings of pessimism, restlessness, irritability, feeling of worthlessness and helplessness, and the person also losses interest in activities that the person once enjoyed such as hobbies. While the feelings may be the same in men and women, men experience less anger and irritability. Women also experience more tearfulness. Women experience a midlife crisis when they are almost near their menopause. This means they are affected by the issues of menopause as well as the midlife crisis. Therefore it is more intense and affects their midlife experiences compared to men. There are also different experiences in women due to social factors than men; women experience more intense feelings than men because even socially, their activity has decreased.

As a social worker, one can help a p[erson in a midlife crisis by recognizing the signs of changes in the person. The social worker can recognize changes in a person such as irritability, signs of hopeless and anxiety. When the change is recognized, the social worker can devise a strategy to help (Chang 2018). In addition, helping people with mental health and poverty eradication can be good. This is because, at this age, people are most likely to undergo stress and anxiety; if poverty is involved, then the person may undergo emotional turmoil. When a person is undergoing a midlife crisis, it is essential to empower them as social workers to ensure they have a different view on life and overcome the changes they experience. People undergoing midlife crises may be put down by judgment; therefore, creating awareness so that people do not judge others can create a good environment that allows people to overcome the midlife crisis.


Chang, H. K. (2018). Influencing factors on mid-life crisis. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, 30(1), 98-105.

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