Code Conventions (Required)
- Comment every function and “paragraph” of code. Comment any line of code that does more than two things.
- Follow good indenting practices; I don’t care how many spaces you indent by as long as it’s something reasonable.
- use_snake_case_for_names, as this is C style.
- You may use i/j/k, s/t/u, and x/y/z as integer, string and float/double names for loop control variables, temporary variables and contexts where there is only a single important variable (like a function that takes only one parameter). All other variable and function names must be meaningful.
- Do not declare global variables, use goto, or use the returned result of assignments.
- Submit your code to Webcourses as a single .c
- Name your file cop3502-as1-lastname-firstname.c. For instance, my file will be named cop3502-as1-gerber-matthew.c.

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