Entering activity durations into Project Libre module 4p1 Retrieve the Project Libre file that you created when you layered project activities over the WBS deliverables.
Under the duration column, enter your best estimate for activity durations for each activity.
Your resulting file should appear similar to the activity duration file for the Office Relocation project example below: Office Relocation Example_activity_durations.pod
Entering predecessors into Project Libre Continuing with the Project Libre file used in the first part of this assignment, find the predecessor column in Project Libre. (You may need to move the screen partition bar in the center of the screen that allows you to see more, or less of the tables or graphical view.)
Carefully consider the logical order of activities and then enter the predecessors for each activity.
Remember that predecessor simply means “that which comes before”—so you are using the predecessors to put project activities in logical order.
Once predecessors are in place, you can see the schedule using the Gantt view. Also, you may click on “view” and “network” to see the project network diagram.
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