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Problem Solving Set



Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Enhanced Pearson eText Van de Walle, Karp & Bay-Williams 2016 10e| Pearson

Read Chapter 10 from VDW
Read Chapter 11 from VDW
Read Chapter 12 from VDW
Read pages 318-325 from chapter 13 in VDW


Chapter 10:

1. Describe the three types of physical models for base-ten concepts.  What is the significance of the differences between these models? Explain the importance of the progression of instruction using these models. (6 points)

2. After studying the Common Challenges and Misconceptions chart on page 236, choose a tasks from the chapter that could help move a student past 1 of the misconceptions in the chart. Describe the misconception, the task and explain how the task will help the student move past that misconception? (5 points) Please list the page number for the task that you chose.

Chapter 11:

3. There are three types of computational strategies, name and describe each of them. (3 points)

4. Solve 46 + 38 using three different invented strategies for adding. Solve 93 – 27 and 545 – 267 in two different ways by using adding up strategies. (5 points) Feel free to upload an image of your work. Experiment with an open number line for at least two solutions.

5. Create a story problem that would encourage an adding-up strategy for 93-27. Solve the problem using an adding-up model. (2 points)





Chapter 12:

6. Draw pictures showing how 4 x 57 could be modeled in two ways using base-ten blocks, and an open array or an area grid. Make sure your drawings are mathematically correct. (4 points)

7. Solve 514 ÷ 8 in two different ways beginning with different first steps. Do your approaches converge before you reach your solution? (3 points)



Chapter 13

8. What misconceptions or limited conceptions do students have regarding the equal sign? What causes these misconceptions, and how can instruction clear these up? Choose one of the Activities described in chapter 13 and explain how this could help a student that is not at the relational level of understanding about the equal sign, yet. (5 points)

Additional Resources Question

10. After reading the additional articles for this module (linked in the additional readings module), watching the Graham Fletcher videos (linked on our assignment page), and watching the Teaching Channel video (choose one of the 4 teachers to watch), please write a reflection of your learning. Be sure to explain how this new learning might assist you in your placement or with future students? (10 points)

Progression Videos






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