Catering menu and orders: You operate a commercial catering business serving conferences and other similar events. For each dish on your menu, you want to store a name, description, and number of calories per serving. You do not charge customers by the individual dish, but by menu package (in the market niche you serve, your customers prefer the simplicity of ordering well‐coordinated standard packages, rather than customizing their menus). Each menu package consists of multiple dishes, and each dish can be in a number of different menu packages. Each menu package has a name, description, and price per guest. For each customer, you want to store a name, address, city, state, zip, phone number, and contact person name. Each customer places one or more orders, each of which is for a single menu package. Each order also has a date placed, number of guests, time and date of event, delivery address information (not necessarily the same as the customer’s address), and comments. Design a database to hold all this information. Draw an ER diagram, and write a database design outline.
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