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Scenario Whereby Current Democracies

Scenario Whereby Current Democracies


-Part 1

Adjusting frameworks: Modifications in the design of human frameworks, as well as a superior ethos between numerous technologists, will acquire a majority rules system.

Quote: The New advancements are a statement from a specialist that is significant. Conceivably, new advances hold a few assurance for new instruments and functionalities of portrayal.

The justification for why this statement reverberated:

According to Brian Southwell master, New advances keep up with some guarantee for permitting residents to connect side to side rather than depending on significant news sources. To the extent that new advancements empower individuals to assemble and focus on need issues, they will improve majority rule organizations.

2. Developing people: Enhanced public mindfulness, worked on advanced proficiency, and improved teacher commitment will be conspicuous throughout the following ten years.

Quote: The reconnaissance strategies as facial acknowledgment, tricky movement across the web, for example, deepfakes, and modern method for client’s control information are the statement from a specialist that is significant.

The justification for why this statement resounded:

According to Charlie Firestone master, reconnaissance strategies, misleading action across the web, and complex means to acquire a benefit over those clients and give new and better use to vote based inspirations. Facial acknowledgment gives ventures a speedy and precise method for distinguishing individuals that are less upsetting and needs no contact.

3. Helping changes: The development of advances and advancements, for example, computerized reasoning will help favorable to a majority rules system administration cycles and arrangements. Those will advocate for confided in the right to speak freely of discourse and expanded resident strengthening.

Quote: The computerized stages and apparatuses are a statement from a significant master to give better checking of basics of a majority rule government execution and give more granular help with the organizations.

The motivation behind why this statement resounded:

According to Osvaldo Larancuent’s master, the essentials of a vote based system will be adjusted as additional individuals request more prominent obligation and commitment from states, using advanced stages and devices to all the more likely screen their execution. More astute local area support in different components of a vote based system, attempting to advance social incorporation and, through the headway of online media channels, computerized stages to allow all the more fine-grained cooperation in associations.


 1. Adjusting frameworks to change in the plan and design of the human frameworks and an improved ethos inside technologists that will help a majority rule government.

As per Brian Southwell, head of RTI International’s Science inside the Public Sphere Program, “a couple of perceptions first from the 1920s, for example, Walter Lippmann’s ‘The Phantom Public,’ or ‘General Opinion’ about the opportunities for and limitations of well known insight as a wellspring of a vote based system, are as yet significant today.” New innovations save a couple of guarantees for permitting residents to interface on a level plane rather than depending on significant news sources, however clients have likewise seen a couple of disappointments in such manner.

2. Advancing people to Increase resident experience, computerized education advancements, and better responsibility among educators will be noticeable in the following ten years. For the following 4 – 5 years, there is likely to turn out to be more reconnaissance methods, like facial acknowledgment; extra misleading activity over the web, like profound fakes; and further developed method for controlling client information to acquire a benefit over such clients,” said Charlie Firestone, CEO, Communications and Society Scheme and VP in Aspen Institute. While giving ID papers, facial acknowledgment will be utilized related to other biometric strategies, for example, finger impression filtering.

3. Helping changes to give Pro-a majority rules system administration goals will be upheld by a scope of innovation and disclosures like AI(artificial knowledge). Such will work on the side of confided in free articulation and higher resident strengthening The basics of a vote based system will change as additional individuals request additional commitment and obligation from specialists, to utilize computerized apparatuses and applications that will work with more noteworthy following of their execution,” said Osvaldo Larancuent, an instructor based inside the Dominican Republic with information and involvement with the internet administration. Straightforwardness of ensures, government approaches, and principle objective execution, as well as administration progression in view of the social coordination and publicly supported inclusion, given by particular advanced stages.


MANY TECH EXPERTS SAY DIGITAL DISRUPTION WILL HURT DEMOCRACY. (2021). [Ebook]. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2020/02/PI_2020.02.21_future-democracy_REPORT.pdf

Many Tech Experts Say Digital Disruption Will Hurt Democracy. (2021). Retrieved 18 September 2021, from https://www.elon.edu/u/news/2020/02/21/many-tech-experts-say-digital-disruption-will-hurt-democracy/


Anderson and Rainie (2020) surveyed scholars about the impact of technology on democracy. 

The first concern I want to discuss has to do with the abuse of online services that target gullible people with misinformation to fit an agenda. An internet pioneer based in North America says “I am deeply concerned that democracy is under siege through abuse of online services and some seriously gullible citizens who have trouble distinguishing fact from fiction or who are wrapped up in conspiracy theories or who are unable or unwilling to exercise critical thinking. … We are seeing erosion of trust in our institutions, fed in part by disinformation and misinformation campaigns designed to achieve that objective and to stir dissent” (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). This resonates with me because it’s something I see all too frequently online and on nearly every social media platform. Every day it seems like I read or see a video on a new conspiracy theory, whether it’s about something as serious as Covid-19 information or political information, or something less significant like celebrity news. Regardless of the topic, if you are willing to do some research on the subject, you will almost always uncover flaws in the material you read online. Many individuals, however, do not carry out research and instead like, comment, tag friends and family, and share postings that may include entirely false information which I believe negatively impacts society. Another concern voiced by Mike Gaudreau is that data breaches have become increasingly common. Gaudreau goes on to say “China, for example, graduates millions of engineers and scientists yearly. Many will be deployed to hack systems so that they can steal information or plant messages that will unduly influence people.” This is interesting because it sheds light on just how much our information can be taken and distorted or exploited (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). The final issue that caught my attention was the monitoring and data collecting to acquire influence over consumers by abusing or benefiting from this information. Christian Huitema states “They also engage in ‘attention-maximization’ techniques, using the body of data to cleverly incite more and more consumption of their services, and of course more and more surrendering of personal data” (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). In our ever-evolving technological environment, all of these concerns seem to be justified.

Identify at least 3 possible hopes or solutions that counteract concerns about technology’s impact on democracy. 

Jason Kelley discusses several potential methods to stop the spread of misleading information on the internet. Among the improvements are the use of technology to hold organizations accountable for the information they disseminate and for individuals to learn how to distinguish between false and true information. Kelley says “The techlash we are experiencing is a valley in the sea change of positive impacts that technology has brought to our ability to organize, access accurate information and participate in our democratic institutions” (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). 

Ben Shneiderman states “The goal of increased responsibility for actions will be helped by tech companies doing a better job of stopping bots, and improved ways to limit but not eliminate anonymity” (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). I believe that improving IT businesses’ defense systems for bots, hackers, and other similar issues might significantly reduce the number of data breaches. Finally, Jeremy Foote discusses face recognition-enabled surveillance and the dangers it poses, although he feels there are times when using these technologies might be advantageous. An example Foote gave was “while surveillance technologies dramatically reduce the costs of surveilling citizens, it is difficult to imagine a scenario whereby current democracies accept Big Brother-like surveillance. Democratic institutions are set up to identify and regulate these sorts of dangers, and, so far, they have been adequate in doing that” (Anderson & Rainie, 2020). 


Anderson, J., & Rainie, L. (2020, February 21). Many tech experts say digital disruption will hurt democracy. Pew Research Center.



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