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ECE304: Supporting Diverse Learners Question 1 If there is no suitable child, you may select a child who appears to present with difficulties in at least one developmental domain, either in the communication/language or socio-emotional domain. Analyze this

ECE304: Supporting Diverse Learners

Question 1

If there is no suitable child, you may select a child who appears to present with difficulties in at least one developmental domain, either in the communication/language or socio-emotional domain.

  • Analyze this child’s strengths and needs across 4 developmental domains. You may use a table to illustrate the analysis.
  • With reference to (a), design 4 IEP goals for this child and include approaches on how the goals can be generalized within the classroom or home setting, so as to facilitate holistic learning for the child. Where relevant, it should include goals that facilitate the child’s learning in the home setting
  • For each IEP goal, create an instructional plan with the necessary accommodations or modifications within the classroom to enhance learning for this child. The instructional plan should be embedded within school routines. Where relevant, the proposed instructional plan can be embedded within home routines as well.
  • Suggest ways to foster collaboration among teachers and other professionals who are also involved in the care of the child.

Question 2

  • With reference to Study Guide Unit 4 and other relevant resources, comment on the benefits and challenges of implementing “Routines-based intervention” with our local families. The following are articles that you may find useful.

i) Jennings, D., Hanline, M. F., & Woods, J. Using routines-based interventions in early childhood.
ii) Carolyn H. Hughes-Scholes, C.H., Gavidia-Payne, S. Development of a Routines-Based Early Childhood Intervention model.

  • As an early childhood educator in Singapore, what role(s) do you play in implementing routine-based intervention? Why do you say so?

The post ECE304: Supporting Diverse Learners Question 1 If there is no suitable child, you may select a child who appears to present with difficulties in at least one developmental domain, either in the communication/language or socio-emotional domain. Analyze this appeared first on My Blog.


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