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Literary Analysis of Children’s Literature Learning Outcomes: Develop knowledge and understanding of English discipline-specific content and how to develop personal literacy. Develop knowledge of the diversity of genres in children’s literature. Demonstrate an underst

Literary Analysis of Children’s Literature

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of English discipline-specific content and how to develop personal literacy.
  • Develop knowledge of the diversity of genres in children’s literature.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective selecting of literature for children of diverse backgrounds and abilities that will promote literacy.
  • Show their developing competency in presenting literature and stories to children in a variety of ways that promote oral and written literacy.


This assessment requires you to choose an awarded children’s picture book, poem, graphic novel, or YA novel from our Official Class Literature Award list and complete a written analysis. It is strongly recommended that you begin searching for this text in week 2. You must utilize the literary elements outlined in this unit, as well as any additional elements that you may feel are relevant. It is recommended that you explore no more than 2-3 elements.

There needs to be an exploration of the social and cultural connections and implications of your chosen text/s. You must also ensure you have linked your analysis of the text/s to the relevant curriculum. All submissions must show evidence that you have read your Textbook and include the Textbook in your references to successfully pass this assessment task. Similarly, all submitted papers must use at least 5 references from our Deeper Dive

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