BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit Glossary of Instructional Task Words Your assessment tasks use a range of instructional words throughout them – such as ‘compare’ and ‘list. These words will guide you as to the level of detail you must provide in your answers. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Desc

BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Glossary of Instructional Task Words

Your assessment tasks use a range of instructional words throughout them – such as ‘compare’ and ‘list. These words will guide you as to the level of detail you must provide in your answers. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’. Use the below glossary to guide you on interpreting the words in the tasks.

•Analyse – This means you should break an issue down into its component parts, discuss them and show how they relate. You should discuss the issue in detail and methodically.

•Define – This means you should explain the meaning or interpretation of a term or concept in your own words, including any qualities which are essential to understanding.

•Describe – This means you should outline the most noticeable qualities or features of an idea, topic or the focus of the question.

•Discuss – This means you must point out the important issues or features, key points, possible interpretations, and debate through argument. You should provide reasons for and against.

•Evaluate – This means you must judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something. You must provide an in-depth answer with as much detail as possible.

•Explain – This means you need to make something clear or show your understanding by describing it or providing information about it. You will need to make clear how or why something happened or is the way it is.

•Identify – You must recognise something and indicate who or what the required information is. The length of the answer should be guided by what you are being asked to identify.

•List – You must record short pieces of information in a list form – with one or two words, or sentences on each line.

•Outline – You must give a brief description of the main facts or sequence of events about something. The length of the response should be guided by what you are required to outline. As long as you include the main facts or points, then that’s enough.

•Summarise – You must express the most important facts or points about something in short and concise form.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Assessment Task: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.

You will need access to:

•A suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a meeting space, computer, and internet access

•Your learning resources and other information for reference

•The Simulation Pack (if you need a case study) or your own business details


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Assessment Activities

Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to lead workplace relationships and promote team cohesion by:

•working in collaboration with your team and other stakeholders to complete a work task

•identifying and supporting colleagues who are experiencing difficulties in completing the work task

•identifying and constructively managing conflict

•reviewing your own relationship management skills and identifying areas for improvement.

This project can be based on:

•Option 1 – your own business, or a business you are currently working for or are familiar with. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business or one you work for.


•Option 2 – you may use the case study business provided in the Case Study Simulation Pack

If you are using your own business, it is important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen business in order to be able to do your assessment.

As a minimum this should include organisational policies and procedures related to workplace communication, workplace diversity, conflict resolution and those that address performance planning and management.

You will need to communicate with people who work for, or are involved, in this business several times. Your communication may be either directly with actual staff members or family and friends that can play the roles of relevant people/parties. Communication can be in any appropriate format (e.g. face to face, video conference, email) as long as it meets the requirements outlined in the Project Portfolio.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio.

The steps you need to take are outlined below.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Project portfolio


Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information in this guide. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in the Simulation Pack.

For the purposes of this assessment, the team must comprise at least four members (from your organisation or business or family and friends who can role play) and you must be working (or role playing) in the leadership position. You must also have the opportunity to provide support to a colleague whose performance is poor and to manage conflict within your team.

If using the case study, you can choose to work in any team that suits your interest that is related to the case study provided in the simulation pack for this unit. Teams you can choose for this assessment may include:

•Sales team

•Finance team

•Customer Service and Support team

You will use your real names, backgrounds and communication preferences and styles during any role plays to ensure that the simulation is realistic. You can choose to focus on any issue within the business and develop a work task that fits into the area that your chosen team is responsible for.

Examples of work tasks can include:

•Developing a policy or updating one of the ones included in the simulation pack

•Developing a new process for sales

•Developing a customer support mechanism

•Developing a training session for staff.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Section 1: Preparing to lead the team

In this first activity, you will plan and prepare to lead your team. This includes:

•describing the work team that you lead

•defining the team’s objectives

•describing how the team’s objectives relate to the organisation’s overall strategy

•defining the work task that your team will complete

•planning and preparing to lead your team in a way that is collaborative, inclusive, culturally sensitive and which builds trust and cohesion

•planning to share your ideas and information with your team and other stakeholders (this must include internal and external stakeholders)

•planning to collaborate with your team to develop a strategy to complete the work task. Your strategy should include a process for communicating work progress.

Work on Section 1 of your Portfolio. You will use the work done in this section of the Portfolio to guide your work in the next section of your assessment.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1 of your Portfolio.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Describe the work team

that you lead

Provide an overview of

your chosen work team

and its objectives.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit


•the purpose of the team

•the team’s objectives

•a description of how the team’s purpose relates to the organisation’s overall strategy.

In your answer, explain

why it’s important for good

workplace relationships

and that your team clearly

understand its purpose

and objectives.

Collecting and analysing


Identify the information

that you relied on to define

the work task.


•What information did you collect and how did you collect it?

•How did you analyse the information (for example, what system did you use? How did you ensure that you relied on accurate information from a


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

range of sources –

internal and

external? etc)

•How did the information that you collected inform your planning? For example:

-How did it help you to decide how you would lead your team?

-How did it help you to plan to achieve the work task?

Note: Ensure that you refer

to relevant policies,

procedures, and legislation

in your answer.

Attach relevant policies

and procedures,

information samples, links

to information sources and

references to this section of

your portfolio.

Planning to share

information with team and


Plan how you will share

your ideas and information

about the work task with

your team and other


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

internal and external



•the strategies that you will use

•the information that you will share

•how those strategies and information will help to promote team cohesion and develop positive workplace relationships

•how your strategies will meet the diverse needs of your team and stakeholders.


•a list of the internal and external stakeholders who you will include (and why)

•a list of the team members who you will include (and why).

•If using the case study, the above roles can be played by family and friends.

Planning to collaborate

with your team


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Plan how you will

collaborate with your team

to develop a strategy to

complete your work task.


•the diverse requirements of your team (e.g. cultural differences) and the actions that you will take to address them

•the social and cultural environment relevant to your organisation and team and how that might support or hinder the achievement of your work task

•the strategies that you will use to ensure active collaboration with all members of your team

•the techniques that you will use to engage with members of your team and to build trust

•any relationship problems that you foresee that may impact achievement of the task and how you plan to address them.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

How did you use your

personal and professional

networks to support your

leadership and

relationship building



Information sources/references ☐

Policies and procedures ☐

Links to relevant legislation ☐

Information samples (at least 3 samples of ☐
information you have collected to analyse and
develop ideas for the work task)

Section 2: Sharing information and collaborating

You will now put the planning and preparation in place that you completed in Section 1 of your Portfolio by sharing your ideas and information about the work task with your team and stakeholders.

Ensure that your information sharing process is:

•consistent with your organisation’s policies and procedures

•consistent with the planning and preparation that you completed in Section 1.

Sharing ideas/information

Summarise the outcomes of

your information sharing


Reflect on:


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

•whether or not the process met the needs of the internal and external stakeholders as identified in Section 1. Provide reasons for your answer

•how the sharing of information impacted your workplace relationships in this case (choose one internal stakeholder and one external stakeholder to comment on specifically).

•how your sharing of ideas/information complied with your legislative/organisati onal requirements

Now that you have shared your ideas and some information about the work task with your team, arrange to collaborate with them to develop a strategy to successfully complete the work task.

During the meeting, ensure that you:

•consider the planning and preparation that you completed in section 1

•use a range of strategies to engage each member of the team in the collaboration process

•adapt your personal communication style to meet the individual and diverse needs of each team member

•facilitate collaboration within the team to complete the work task

•engage with your team in a way that is inclusive, and which builds trust and confidence


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

•support active collaboration with all members of your team

•role model positive workplace relationship behaviours.

This meeting is to occur in your workplace. However, if this is not possible, family and friends may play the role of one or more team members.

You will need to create a video recording for this session. See Annexure 1 for how to create and submit a video. Video length not greater than 20 minutes. Attach proof of the meeting to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio

Complete all questions of Section 2 of your Portfolio.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence

– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Collaborating with your team

Summarise the outcomes of

your team meeting. Include:

•at least two strategies that you developed in collaboration with your team to successfully complete the work task

•at least two communication strategies that you used to maintain engagement of the team in the collaboration process

•at least two examples of how you adapted your personal communication style during the meeting


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

•at least two examples of strategies that you used in the meeting to develop or strengthen a workplace relationship

•at least two examples of strategies that you used in the meeting that facilitated collaboration within the team to complete the work task

•at least two things that you did well when leading collaboration/workpl ace relationships during the meeting

•at least two improvements that you would make when leading collaboration/workpl ace relationships next time.

Attach proof of your team

meeting (e.g. video, screen

recording of virtual meeting,

teleconference) to this

section of the portfolio.

You should also attach a

copy of the work task

completion strategy which

you developed as a result of

the decisions made in the

team meeting.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Progress report

Describe the process that

you used to communicate

the progress of the work task

to internal and external


Reflect on how the process

that you selected:

•supported effective workplace relationships

•met the needs of the individual stakeholders (social, cultural environment, etc)


Proof of team meeting (Video). See Annexure 1 for ☐
how to create and submit a video

Links to relevant legislation ☐

Relevant policies/procedures ☐

Work task completion strategy ☐

Section 3: Supporting performance improvement

In this activity, you are required to support a member of your team to improve an area of their performance. This may relate to the work task that you identified in Section 1 of your Portfolio, another area of your business or the case study.

Prepare to support performance improvement by working on the first part of

Section 3 of your Portfolio. You should:

•summarise the processes that you followed


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

•describe the performance improvement methods that you selected and why

•discuss the relevant legislation, policies and procedures that you relied on and how you applied them to your planning.

Preparing to support

performance improvement

Summarise the processes

that you followed when

preparing to support a

colleague to improve their



•the signals that helped you identify that there was room for improvement in performance

•the areas of performance that required improvement

•the performance improvements methods that you selected and why

•the sources of information that you relied on to inform your decisions (don’t forget to include consultation processes)

•the relevant legislation, policies, and procedures that you relied on and how you applied them.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Attach or place links to the

relevant legislation, policies,

and procedures to this

section of the portfolio.

Arrange to provide support to the person requiring performance improvement in accordance with the planning that you completed in the first part of Section 3 of your Portfolio. During the session, ensure that you:

•use a range of techniques to engage and motivate your colleague

•identify and analyse the issues that were hindering the person’s performance

•comply with relevant legislation and policies and procedures

•use a range of methods to manage the person’s performance.

This meeting is to occur at your workplace. However, if that is not possible, your family and friends can play the role of this person.

You will need to attach the minutes of your meeting or meeting notes documenting issues identified that were hindering the person’s performance and methods used to manage the person’s performance.

Complete all remaining questions in Section 3 of your Portfolio.

You are required to attach the minutes or meeting notes as part of your evidence as outlined in Section 3 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Supporting performance


Summarise the outcomes of

your performance

improvement meeting.


•an analysis of the techniques that you used to engage and motivate your colleague

•an analysis of the issues that were hindering the person’s performance and how you addressed these

•the methods that you used to manage the person’s performance and how they complied with the legislation and policies and procedures identified in the first part of this section

Reflect on:

•two things that went well in the meeting in relation to leading effective workplace relationships

•two things that you would do differently next time.

Attach meeting minutes or

meeting notes documenting

issues identified that were


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

hindering the person’s

performance and methods

used to manage the person’s



Section 4: Managing conflict

Attach meeting minutes or meeting notes ☐
documenting issues identified that were hindering
the person’s performance and methods used to
manage the person’s performance.

Relevant Policies and procedures (performance ☐

In this activity, you are required to manage conflict. This may relate to conflict between members of the team or stakeholders such as customers that you identified in Section 1 of your Portfolio (based on your organisation, business, or case study),

Prepare to manage conflict by working into the first part of Section 4 of your

Portfolio. You should:

•summarise the processes that you followed

•describe the conflict management methods that you selected and why

•discuss the relevant legislation, policies and procedures that you relied on and how you applied them to your planning.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Preparing to manage


Summarise the processes

that you followed when

preparing to manage



•the signals that helped you identify that there was conflict

•the conflict management methods that you selected and why

•the sources of information that you relied on to inform your decisions (don’t forget to include consultation processes)

•the relevant legislation, policies, and procedures that you relied on and how you applied them.

Attach links to relevant

legislation, policies, and

procedures to this section

of the portfolio.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Arrange to meet with the people involved in the conflict in accordance with the planning that you completed in the first part of Section 4 of your Portfolio. During the session, ensure that you:

•use a range of techniques to lead improved workplace relationships and reduce conflict

•identify and analyse the issues that led to the conflict

•comply with relevant legislation and policies and procedures

•use a range of methods to manage conflict.

This meeting is to occur in your workplace. However, if this is not possible, family or friends may play the role of one or more team members.

You will need to provide meeting minutes or notes of your session detailing the issues identified that led to conflict, relevant policies and procedures used and your conflict resolution plan.

Complete all remaining questions in Section 4 of your Portfolio.

You are required to attach meeting minutes or notes as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 4 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Managing conflict

Summarise the outcomes

of your conflict

management meeting/s.


•an analysis of the techniques that you used to lead improved workplace relationships and reduce conflict

•an analysis of the issues that had led to the conflict

•the methods that you used to manage the conflict and how


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

they complied with

the legislation and

policies and


identified in the

first part of this


Reflect on:

•two things that went well in the meeting in relation to leading effective workplace relationships

•two things that you would do differently next time.

Attach meeting minutes or

meeting notes detailing the

issues identified that led to

conflict, relevant policies

and procedures used and

your conflict resolution



Policies and procedures (relevant to handling conflict) ☐
Attach meeting minutes or meeting notes detailing the ☐
issues identified that led to conflict, relevant policies
and procedures used and your conflict resolution plan.


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Section 5: Reviewing leadership

In this activity, you are required to review your own workplace relationship management by:

•seeking feedback from one external stakeholder, one internal stakeholder and one team member or if you are using the case study family and friends can play each of these roles.

•evaluating your personal performance

•identifying areas for improvement.

•Work on Section 5 of your Portfolio.

You should:

•summarise the processes that you followed

•the reasons that you sought feedback

•list the people who you sought people from and discuss your reasons for selecting those people to seek feedback from

•provide an analysis of the feedback received.

Complete all remaining questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio.

You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 5 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Seeking and analysing


Summarise the processes

that you undertook to seek

and analyse feedback on

your relationship



•the processes that you used to seek feedback

•the reasons that you sought feedback


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

•a list of the people who you sought feedback from and the reasons why you selected those people

•a summary of the feedback you received

•an analysis of the feedback and the actions that you will take to implement it.


•at least two areas for future improvement in leading workplace relationships. Describe how you apply this information to your practice.

Attach copies of written
feedback that you
received, as well as copies
of relevant policies and
procedures. You should
also attach information
about any training

Attach: Written feedback including training opportunities (one
external stakeholder, one internal stakeholder and ☐
one team member)

Policies and procedures (Relevant to Performance ☐


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Assessment Task: Checklist

For student reference only. Assessor to complete.

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Section 1: Preparing to lead the team.

Lead effective workplace relationships on
at least four occasions with different
individuals or groups?

Prepare to lead the team by:

•describing the work team

•defining the team’s objectives

•describing how the team’s objectives relate to the organisation’s overall strategy

•collecting and analysing information from a range of sources

•defining the work task that the team will complete

•planning and preparing to lead the team in a way which was collaborative, inclusive, culturally sensitive and which builds trust and cohesion

•planning to collaborate with the team to develop a strategy to complete the work task

•planning to collaborate with the team to develop a strategy for communicating work progress?


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

Section 2: Sharing information and collaborating

Share information and their ideas about

the work task with the team and

stakeholders in a way that was:

•consistent with organisational policies and procedures

•consistent with the planning and preparation that they completed in Section 1 of their Portfolio?

Collaborate with their team to develop a

strategy to successfully complete the work

task in a way which:

•considered the planning and preparation which they completed in Section 1 of their Portfolio

•used a range of strategies to engage each member of the team in the collaboration process. For example:

-playing a lead role in facilitating contribution of all team members

-communicating openly and honestly

-valuing and encouraging all contributions

-using inclusive language

-respecting the opinions of others

-encouraging all members of the team to share knowledge and ideas

-developing a culture of learning and innovation

-recognising people’s strengths.

•adapted their personal communication style to meet the


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

individual and diverse needs of

each team member. For example:

-using inclusive language

-showing respect for the opinions of the other person

-valuing the input of the other person

-role modelling positive behaviours

-adjusting verbal and non-verbal cues

•facilitated collaboration within the team to complete the work task

•engaged with the team in a way which was inclusive, and which built trust and confidence

•supported active collaboration with all members of the team

Section 3: Supporting performance improvement

Support performance improvement by:

•identifying and analysing issues that were hindering a person’s performance

•complying with relevant legislative requirements

•complying with relevant policies and procedures

•using a range of methods to manage the person’s performance

Section 4: Managing Conflict

Manage conflict constructively by:

•adhering to relevant legislation, policies and procedures


BSBLDR413: Assessment Kit

• using a range of techniques to lead
improved workplace relationships
and reduce conflict
• identifying and analysing issues
that led to conflict
• using a range of methods to
manage conflict. For example:
– valuing the input of all parties
– identifying and addressing the
issues which may be hindering
– providing supportive and
creative solutions
– working collaboratively to set
realistic goals
– recognising the strengths of all
– addressing underlying
barriers/issues (for example,
inequities in work
Section 5: Reviewing leadership

Review their own leadership management
• seeking feedback
• evaluating their own personal
• identifying and applying areas for
Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:



BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack


Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. They not only focus on the hardware, but they also have a competitive team creating software, content and activities to better engage and educate the students.

Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating the optimal path learning experience.

So far, Worlducation only sells their tablet computers business to business (B2B) as they realised that their content and hardware proved most effective when a whole classroom was using it, and a teacher was coordinating the activities. Also, this helped the sales team focus on larger sales, and minimised the potential number of problems that could arise from individual customers. However, the long-term plan is to also tackle a business to consumer strategy (B2C).

What makes Worlducation completely different from their competition is that they envision a world in which every child learns how to read and write – a world without illiteracy. Given this vision, for every classroom that buys their products, they donate and train a classroom somewhere around the world that can’t afford the same technology. Furthermore, they connect the two classrooms (those who bought the products and services and those who received the donation) so that they can grow together and collaborate throughout their learning cycle.

Worlducation was founded in 2016, and by the end of 2019 they had sold over 35,000 tablets to over 550 schools in 23 countries, generating revenue in hardware sales and software subscriptions.

Worlducation headquarters are in Sydney’s CBD but they have a development team in Bulgaria, a manufacturing team in Hong Kong, and operation and marketing staff in Colombia, Egypt, Iceland, Russia and the Philippines.

Worlducation started 2020 with a huge sale to a school in Portugal. Although it was a great start, the context for the rest of the quarter was highly uncertain due to COVID-19. Surprisingly the pandemic brought hundreds of new leads and that led to an unprecedented growth that brought alongside dozens of operation and production problems.

The factory in Hong Kong closed down for 1 month due to government restrictions limiting supply, the sales team was overwhelmed with sale meetings over ZOOM, the tech- support team had to re-adapt the software to remote learning for many of the schools, and the founders had to start thinking on how education was going to change after this worldwide event.


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Strategic and Operational Plan 2020 – 2022


Welcome to the Strategic and Operational Plan for Worlducation.

This document sets out our vision for the next two years and how we hope to achieve it.

We hope you enjoy reading this document.

Lucas Lopez



Executive Summary

Founded in 2016, Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. Our focus is not only on the hardware, but also creating software, content and activities to better engage and educate primary school students.

Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating the optimal path learning experience. Worlducation envisions a world in which every child learns how to read and write – a world without illiteracy. This is why, for each classroom that buys our product, we donate and train a classroom somewhere around the world that can’t afford the same technology. We then connect the classrooms together so that they can grow and collaborate throughout their learning cycle.

Vision Statement

To see a world without illiteracy.

Mission Statement

To be the change and facilitate a world without illiteracy by changing the way children learn at school and the number of schools that have access to technology.

Our values are:

Core values underpinning our activities are:

•Ethical principles




BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Strategic Priorities

•To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable.

•Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the strategic policies

•Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue and ways to help more classrooms in need

•Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.

Increase our reach

•Increase range of products and services offered to reach a larger target market

•Increase sales to increase donations to needy classrooms.

Continue building deeper customer relationships

•Customer-centred practice, with a focus on meeting their total needs for high-quality technology

•Strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers

•Have an effective help desk function in order to meet customer needs

•Strengthen the effectiveness of internal customers through provision of effective systems within each team

•Drive innovation to better meet customer demands.

Attract, engage and develop the best staff

•Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high performance workforce and culture

•Strengthening the skills of our people, to better support customer needs

•Empowering innovation and responsiveness to change

•Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce

•Exploring the use of technology in human resources.

Our organisation structure

Senior Management consisting of the CEO and General Manager heads up the overall organisation.

The company consists of key teams as follows:

•Sales Team consisting of the Sales Manager and 3 x Sales Representatives

•Operations Team consisting of the Operations Manager, Administration Officer and Accounts Officer.

•IT Team consisting of the IT Manager, IT Support Officer and Help Desk Officer.


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Each team develops its own performance plan each year for the upcoming 12 months. Each team is expected to:

•Set its overall objectives to align with its key function and our strategic directions.

•Define overall responsibilities according to the function within the company.

•Set outcomes.

The Market

The technology market is a growing and ever-changing industry due to the rapid rate that technology is being updated. Emerging technologies include artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IOT). There is an increasing focus on cyber security.

Due to the global pandemic, the issues with the manufacturing industry have impacted on the supply of hardware components.

The trend for consumer spending during the pandemic has taken a downturn but this has not affected the ICT industry as due to more people working from home, consumer appetite for tablets has increased.

Situation Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
• Value and quality • Brand name not developed as well it
• Strong management could be
Growing organisation
• Customer loyalty •

• Friendly organisational culture
• Level of available finance for
Opportunities Threats
• Schools needing to upgrade • High level of competition
technology • Economic downturn meaning less

• Opportunities to offer a range of spent generally
services • Failing to satisfy clients demands
• Opportunities for synergies across all

services and products

Marketing Strategies

Our marketing strategies aim to:

•Build our brand

•Generate leads now


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

•Convert those leads quickly

•Have every part of the business supporting each other

We plan to develop our market share by:

•Improving our marketing and advertising

•Continually improving the quality of service given to clients

•Maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to ascertain industry requirements and then develop products and manage services accordingly

•Continually improving communication channels with all our stakeholders, ensuring a flow of timely and accurate information to facilitate effective planning and decision making

•Targeting identified growth markets with planned, market appropriate campaigns employing a variety of promotional strategies and advertising mediums

•Offering attractive fee structures to our clients

•Continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of our team through our commitment to training and development

•Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when and where necessary


As a company we focus on collaboration both within and outside of the company. Currently our external partners are:

•Lion Marketing – our marketing agency

•IT Biz Solutions – Internet Service Provider and web hosting.

•Oz Aid – informs of us education projects in need.

Key projects

The following key projects will commence in 2021:

Due to global economic conditions, a wait and watch attitude is being adopted while we brainstorm and provide cost estimates for future business models. Options include establishing a second manufacturing facility (estimated cost $5 million), outsourcing manufacturing to a third party (lost margin of $200 per unit sold or $2 million per year assuming 10 000 units are sold), developing a cloud based solution where customers can access the software remotely on their own devices (estimated cost of $2 million), purchasing off the shelf tablets (lost margin of $300 per unit sold or $3 million per year) or repurposing used tablets ($100 per unit sold or $1 million).


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Operational Plan (focus on 2021)

As an introduction to the Operational Plan, it is important to understand the following information.

Worldcation has a complex supply chain that begins when a sale is made usually via a sales representative or through an online enquiry that is handled by the sales team. Sales are recorded in an internal Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP System) which notifies the operations team that an order needs to be delivered. The operations team verify the sales order and authorise the delivery of a manufacturing request to the factory in Hong Kong. Manufacturing team in Hong Kong notes the order specifications and delivery details and incorporates this within its production schedule. The order is manufactured and the operations team arrange freight and shipping directly to the customer.

Since COVID-19 and the closure of the factory due to government restrictions, of the 2000 tablets due to be shipped by April 20, only 500 were completed on schedule.

In the past, senior executives have met to brainstorm and provide cost estimates for future business models. Options included establishing a second manufacturing facility (estimated cost $5 million), outsourcing manufacturing to a third party (lost margin of $200 per unit sold or $2 million per year assuming 10 000 units are sold), developing a cloud based solution where customers can access the software remotely on their own devices (estimated cost of $2 million), purchasing off the shelf tablets (lost margin of $300 per unit sold or $3 million per year) or repurposing used tablets ($100 per unit sold or $1 million).

Recently a decision has been made to start working on a cloud based solution but continuing with the existing model.

Operational activities for 2021 are indicated. Responsibility for each area is to be determined based on staff member skill sets or potential.

Operational Activities When Who
New activities
Finalisation of proposal for cloud- Mid 2021 To be allocated
based solution
Research into cloud-based solution Mid to end 2021 To be allocated
Finalisation of cloud-based solution January 2022 To be allocated
Prepare paper for Global Education January 2021 To be allocated
Submit paper for Global Education February 2021 To be allocated
Present paper at Global Education January 2021 To be allocated


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Implement new Professional 2021 To be allocated
Development system – all staff to
identify two PD events of their
Identify suitable events for 2021, January 2021 To be allocated
including sustainable opportunities
e.g. virtual events
Organise attendance at events, January 2021 To be allocated
including setting up a stand
Ongoing activities – focus on 2021
Increase the number of customers 2021 To be allocated
by 10%
Identify and then implement a 2021 To be allocated
suitable CRM that can be linked to
the ERP and to the Accounts
Focus on increasing service 2021 To be allocated
satisfaction through help desk
Identify and implement a 2021 To be allocated
continuous improvement system
Review all policies and procedures 2021 To be allocated
and update as required


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Our people


Lucas Lopez

General Manager

Irene Green

Sales Manager
Jade Somers

IT Manager Operations
Hal Hyland
Albert Biden


Jay Santos


Jane Stone


Jala Singh

IT Support Officer

Helen Hunt

Help Desk Officer

Hayley Hill

Accounts Officer

Alicia De Souza


Alan Ibrahim


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Our people skills are as follows:

CEO: Lucas Lopez Established the company. Social entrepreneur with
experience in establishing a number of companies. Spent 10
years working a volunteer in Africa.
General Manager: Irene Former high school principal with a strong social conscience.
Green Member of 2 NGO Board.
Sales Manager: Jade Strong sales history having worked in sales roles for the last
Somers 15 years. Loves to inspire the sales team to do their best.
Always interested in learning and improving skills. Goal for
this year is to increase the sales team.
Sales Representative: Jay Has been with the company for six months. Jay speaks
Santos several languages which assists with communicating with
customers in a range of companies.
Sales Representative: Jane New to sales but loves learning. Wants to do more sales
Stone training to make sure she can used tried and tested sales
Sales Representative: Jala Has been in sales for 10 years, also within the ICT industry.
Singh Loves talking to people and has shown himself to be an
engaging public speaker at various staff events. Could move
more into this promotional/public relations role.
IT Manager: Hal Hyland Joined the company recently. Has been in the IT industry
for 10 years. Interested in cloud technology. Currently
studying a Masters of IT part-time.
IT Support Officer: Helen Strong experience in IT support for the last 5 years. Good
Hunt with customers and solving problems. Currently studying a
Bachelor of IT part-time. Interested in cloud technology and
the power of technology to host virtual events.
Help Desk Officer: Hayley Recently joined the company. Has an IT background, as well
Hill as customer service background. Always puts the customer
first. Somewhat frustrated by the rather inefficient systems
in place for help desk support.
Operations Manager: Albert Highly efficient in organising and scheduling. His
Biden background in as a high level public servant.
Accounts Officer: Alicia De Alicia is a trainee also studying accounts administration.
Souza She is an excellent team player and already bringing insights
to the role.
Administration Officer: Alan Highly efficient in organising and scheduling. Has a good eye
Ibrahim for systems and procedures. A great team player. Studying
for a Diploma of Business Administration in his spare time.


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

Staff Code of Conduct


This code aims to guide the conduct of staff in the performance of their duties as an employee of Worlducation. It is intended to provide practical assistance for staff faced with ethical challenges.


All staff of Worlducation are expected to perform the duties associated with their position skilfully, impartially and diligently in order to contribute to the efficient and economic achievement of Worlducation’s strategic goals.

Staff should be guided in their conduct by the principles established by this code. If there is any doubt as to the applicability of the code, or the appropriate course of action to be taken in certain circumstances, the matter should be discussed with a senior member of staff.


Ethical principles

The fundamental ethical principles on which this code of conduct is based are:

•respect for others



•economy and efficiency.

Respect for others

All staff are expected to treat others, including other staff and customers, with fairness and respect. This involves:

•courtesy and responsiveness in dealing with others

•being sensitive to and respecting the rights and dignity of others

•making reasonable, fair and consistent decisions

•avoiding behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as harassment, victimization or intimidation

•avoiding discrimination on grounds such as age, race, sex, pregnancy, sexuality, ethnic background, nationality, disability, political conviction, religious belief, or other grounds covered by relevant legislation

•allowing alternative points of view to be expressed and reasonably debated.


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack


All Worlducation staff have an obligation as a citizen and as an employee to observe the laws of the State and the Commonwealth.

Staff are required to be familiar with, and comply with, all relevant Worlducation policies, procedures and codes of practices of the organisation.

Conflicts of interest

Staff should be honest in performing their role and avoid conflicts between their private interests and those of their responsibilities to Worlducation.

Conflicts of interest may arise when a staff member is in a situation where personal circumstances are affected by the decisions or duties carried out in their role. A conflict may arise when any of the following are involved:

•financial interests

•personal or sexual relationships

•personal beliefs

•outside employment

•political participation

•use of confidential information

•use of facilities, equipment and resources

•acceptance of gifts or benefits.

All staff must act responsibly and report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest that arise as part of their role. If there is any question as to whether a conflict exists, staff must discuss the circumstances with management to determine whether a conflict exists. Appropriate strategies will be developed to manage any reported or perceived conflicts of interest.


5Staff are expected to carry out their duties in a professional, ethical and diligent manner at all times. This means staff must:

•make decisions fairly, impartially and without bias, using the best factual information available

•keep records and documentation to support their decisions

•always aim to achieve the highest possible standard of performance

•continuously develop their knowledge in their professional fields and areas of responsibility. Trainers and assessors must continue developing their vocational competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of the services provided by Worlducation

•exercise best judgment in the interests of Worlducation


BSBXTW401: Simulation Pack

•maintain adequate documentation to support decisions made

•ensure outside interests do not interfere with their ability to meet the responsibilities of their role

•adhere to professional codes of conduct and standards of ethics

•act responsibly when becoming aware of any unethical behaviour or wrong doing by any other person. This may involve a report to a senior member of staff or to external authorities.

Economy and efficiency

Staff should use Worlducation resources, facilities and intellectual property only for legitimate purposes related to their role with Worlducation.

Staff should avoid waste or minimize it where avoidance is not possible.

Staff should maintain sufficient security and protection of Worlducation property, facilities, resources and intellectual property.



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