Research Paper: Students will write an 8-10 page research paper (typed and double-spaced), carefully citing all paraphrasing and quotations. All papers must include a bibliography and either footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations. Students will select topics from one of the categories below: 1)Political Leadership: Students may choose a single or comparative case study of a leader in women and politics (American or International). Stud

Research Paper: Students will write an 8-10 page research paper (typed and double-spaced), carefully citing all paraphrasing and quotations. All papers must include a bibliography and either footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations. Students will select topics from one of the categories below:
1)Political Leadership: Students may choose a single or comparative case study of a leader in women and politics (American or International). Students should research the experiences that influenced the leader’s political socialization, the cause(s) advocated and why, the barriers faced and/or overcome, and the factors that contributed to success/failure in influencing women’s rights.
2)Policy Analysis: Students may choose any public policy that affects the status of women. Students must compare and contrast the political players (interest groups, party leaders, elected officials, citizens) — analyzing strategies, influence, and outcomes. How much progress has been made and how? What still needs to be accomplished and why?
3). Political Representation: Students may choose a single or comparative case study of women in elective or appointed office at the local, state, or national level (executive, legislative, or judicial branch). How many women have held the office historically? What impact have women had serving in this office? What are the barriers to increased representation of women in this level of office?


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