Create a 2,500 word (+/-10%) comparative analytical case study of mental health and wellbeing.

Create a 2,500 word (+/-10%) comparative analytical case study of mental health and wellbeing. You should focus on anxiety disorders, dealing with DEPRESSION You need to compare mental health, wellbeing and illness within the UK to another developed country – examples include (but are not limited to) the USA, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, or Germany. Base on the following learning outcomes: 1 Compare and contrast mental wellbeing, mental health and mental illness using cultural and historical perspectives across the globe 2 Examine a range of models of care used to explain mental distress and the conflicts they generate 3 Discuss the experiences and impact of mental disorder on individuals, carers, families, groups and society 4 Analyse the causes of stigma and the impact of social exclusion and its effect on recovery for individuals with mental ill health


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