Are the claims made convincing, fully substantiated, and clear?

1200 to 1600 words In this second module, we have been analyzing sports media texts. For this paper, you will be examining a specific text or texts using the tools from this module. Prompt: Pick a particular sports media text or set of texts and generate a thesis about its connection to wider social ideologies or institutions. Build an argument for that thesis using the tools and concepts from the readings, lectures, and discussions from this module. As you are doing so, I will expect you to demonstrate an understanding of important concepts, theories, or arguments from at least two of the readings. You can choose whatever topic you like as long as we didn’t do a reading focused on it. You can analyze any representation or discourse, ranging from a single person to a team, sport, game, spectacle, and even to a particular aspect of any of these things. Be sure to do follow the following: Pick a clearly delineated text that wasn’t the focus of an article for class. Argue for a thesis how that text or set of texts are connected to wider social ideologies or institutions. Use at least two important concepts, arguments, or theories from two of the readings. As you are doing so, you are free to use anything from lecture and Make the case that your thesis furthers the analysis of sports media representation we’ve seen in the readings, lectures, and discussions. You will be graded on the following criteria: Did you answer all parts of the prompt? You can’t get points for things you don’t do. See (1) through (3) above. Did you demonstrate an understanding of the course material? Part of this paper is to make sure you have been engaged with the readings and class meetings. Be sure to use concepts, arguments, and theories that were highlighted in the lectures, discussions, and readings. Does your topic warrant analysis? It is important to show that you have been thinking about the course material in a rigorous fashion and that you have insights or arguments to add. Are the claims made convincing, fully substantiated, and clear?


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