Write an overview of what depression and anxiety are along with signs and symptoms, and nursing interventions for each.

This is a research paper on how psychedelic therapy can be used in treating mental health patients. This is the link to the paper that needs to be critiqued. https://www.tandfonline.com.mtproxy.lib.umt.edu:3443/doi/full/10.1080/02791072.2020.1769878 The first paragraph must be an introduction talking about how unconventional ways of treatment are being used more in today’s practices. and more about psychedelics.Write an overview of what depression and anxiety are along with signs and symptoms, and nursing interventions for each. The third paragraph is to talk about the article from above and how it is clinically helping those with depression/anxiety. Also talk about just an overview of the study and what it means, along with stating the level of evidence the study is using. Finally, in the last paragraph, talk about the clinical significance of this article and it has on modern day practices.


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