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As the director of special projects in the President’s Office at Anywhere University, the president tasked you with creating a plan for mobilizing the university to address the problem of student retention in Higher Education. The president asked you to prepare a presentation to her cabinet (a group of senior leaders who directly report to her) with an initial examination of the problem or situation from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Recall, when the president was hired a year ago at Anywhere University, in her first all-university remarks, she made it clear that the board of trustees hired her to implement change at Anywhere University. In doing so, she would continue to value shared governance and input into decision-making processes. She also articulated her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at Anywhere University.
The President is not expecting solutions to the problem at this point. But, instead, she is expecting a plan, including strategies for how to mobilize leadership at Anywhere University to address the problem or situation. Your plan will include a set of recommendations for how the affected stakeholder groups can work together to take action regarding the problem or situation and what factors should be considered as Anywhere U begins to tackle the issue or problem.
Your presentation to the cabinet should include the following elements:
A succinct description of the problem or situation faced by Anywhere University;
Examination of the problem or situation from the perspective of internal stakeholder groups including administrators, faculty, staff, and students (as applicable to your problem or situation);
Considerations for implementing a change process including the difficulties and challenges of change related to the problem or situation;
Anticipated conflicts for addressing the problem or situation;
Considerations for issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion as they apply to the problem or situation;
Considerations for stakeholder input into decision-making processes; and
A conclusion to your presentation, including three to five recommendations to the cabinet about what needs to happen to address the problem or situation.
Additional Assignment Parameters:
There is a Leadership Lens Matrix document provided in this week’s resources to help you organize your ideas around the problem or situation around the priorities of the president as she articulated them.
Don’t forget; you are the leader here. Your plan should inspire others to take action to address the problem or situation! The president is also hoping you will be able to clearly articulate the state of the situation and frame the situation for the cabinet to mobilize them toward action. Anywhere University is counting on you.
Remember, you aren’t solving the problem. Instead, you are creating and presenting an organized plan or strategy to mobilize others to address the problem or situation.
If you are unsure of how to complete parts of the organizer or need ideas of how to organize your presentation for the problem or situation you identified, contact your professor.
Length: 10-15 presentation slides with 100 words in slide notes and your completed Leadership Lens Matrix. Format: APA 7th Edition
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.



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