Module 2 – Case IT MANAGEMENT AND DECISION MAKING Assignment Overview Cloud hosting has become an important part of the Information Technology infrastructure in firms. Selecting the correct cloud vend – Write My Paper Today

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Cloud hosting has become an important part of the Information Technology infrastructure in firms. Selecting the correct cloud vendor has ramification for quality of service, security, and cost for the firm.

Case Assignment

When selecting a cloud hosting vendor, the Service Level Agreement must be considered. Find at least two cloud hosting vendors. AWS, Google, and Microsoft are cloud hosting vendors—also Rackspace and others. Prepare a comparative analysis of two cloud service vendors. What are the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) needed in the cloud vendor? Use the sources below and other online sources to support your analysis.

Cloud Academy. (2021). Service level agreements: Understanding Azure pricing and support. 

Skilton, M. (2010). Building return on investment from cloud computing. The Open Group.

Assignment Expectations

Prepare a report comparing two cloud hosting vendors. Compare their service level agreements in terms of the Key Performance Indicators. Complete the analysis with a recommendation for the vendor to use based on the analysis in the report.

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