Overview Prior to data analysis, the first step is to identify and understand the problem to be solved. Once you have a good idea of what you are looking for, you can start to gather the data required to do your analysis. This could mean extracting data from many different sets of data, different types of data, and different periods in time. Prompt For this journal as


Prior to data analysis, the first step is to identify and understand the problem to be solved. Once you have a good idea of what you are looking for, you can start to gather the data required to do your analysis. This could mean extracting data from many different sets of data, different types of data, and different periods in time.


For this journal assignment, imagine that you are a data analyst consultant who was hired by a hospital to assist with an internal study. They are looking to track the most common injuries to the age group “Infant/Child” within the last 10 years in comparison to the most common injuries of the previous 10 years for the same age group at this hospital. You will need to identify the problem, determine what data you need, and explain how you would extract that data to begin data analysis.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Clarify the problem to identfy what type of data you need.

Discuss what data you would isolate and extract to produce results for the hospital’s internal study.

Explain your thought process for your choices of data extraction.

Guidelines for Submission

Your journal entry should be a one- to two-page Word document using Times New Roman, one-inch margins, and double spacing. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Module Two Journal Rubric


Criteria Exemplary (100%) Profcient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Problem Identfcaton Exceeds profciency in an Defnes the problem Shows progress toward Does not atempt criterion 30
  exceptonally clear, insightul,   profciency, but with errors or    
  sophistcated, or creatve   omissions; areas for    
  manner   improvement may include    
      inaccurate or incomplete    
      defniton of the problem    
Data Requirements Exceeds profciency in an Identfes the appropriate data Shows progress toward Does not atempt criterion 25
  exceptonally clear, insightul, requirements profciency, but with errors or    
  sophistcated, or creatve   omissions; areas for    
  manner   improvement may include    
      cursory or incomplete data    


Criteria Exemplary (100%) Profcient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Extracton Selectons Exceeds profciency in an Details thought process of Shows progress toward Does not atempt criterion 25
  exceptonally clear, insightul, data extracton selectons profciency, but with errors or    
  sophistcated, or creatve   omissions; areas for    
  manner   improvement may include    
      inadequate detail of the    
      thought process    
Artculaton of Response Exceeds profciency in an Clearly conveys meaning with Shows progress toward Submission has critcal errors 10
  exceptonally clear, insightul, correct grammar, sentence profciency, but with errors in in grammar, sentence  
  sophistcated, or creatve structure, and spelling, grammar, sentence structure, structure, and spelling,  
  manner demonstratng an and spelling, negatvely preventng understanding of  
    understanding of audience impactng readability ideas  
    and purpose      
Citatons and Atributons Uses citatons for ideas Uses citatons for ideas Uses citatons for ideas Does not use citatons for 10
  requiring atributon, with few requiring atributon, with requiring atributon, with ideas requiring atributon  
  or no minor errors consistent minor errors major errors    
        Total: 100%



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