English Literature a) Formal research essay using textual analysis. The final essay must be a sophisticated textual analysis essay using formal academic language and structure (essay intro, body paragraphs, conclusion, list of references). The piece should be well researched firstly literary criticism and then other pertinent research. It should perform an in-depth reading of the primary text/s. It must present a critical, debatable argument with

English Literature
  1. a) Formal research essay using textual analysis.

The final essay must be a sophisticated textual analysis essay using formal academic language and structure (essay intro, body paragraphs, conclusion, list of references). The piece should be well researched firstly literary criticism and then other pertinent research. It should perform an in-depth reading of the primary text/s. It must present a critical,

debatable argument with clear parts (sub-arguments). It can respond to one of the following questions:

  1. Construct an argument about the exploration of in one or two texts set for study. Please note this question requires email approval from the tutor.
  1. Construct an argument about the exploration of gender in one or two texts set for study.
  2. Construct an argument about the exploration of place and/or environment in one or two texts set for study.
  1. Construct an argument about the exploration of class and/or cultural identity in one or two texts set for study.
  1. Construct an argument about the representation of or figurative use of animals in one or two texts are set for study.
  1. Science writing is often not just communicating scientific ‘facts’, but exploring wider concerns, deeper meanings, and even political or philosophical agendas through storytelling techniques. Discuss through comparative analysis of Junk Food Monkeys AND The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
  1. Compare the ways in which two texts considered in this course explore ONE of the following concepts: truth, authority as in who as the authority to speak for whom, veracity or authenticity.
  1. Analyze the function of morality OR the sacred in one longer text set for study


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