Unit 6.1 DB: Case Study – Write My Paper Today

 Dr. Kim is an experienced therapist with more than 15 years of practice.  He is a quiet and reserved man.  A new client, Susan, asked Dr. Kim for a hug at the end of a session.  Though feeling uncomfortable, he allowed it.  This happens at the end of the next 3 sessions and he becomes increasingly uncomfortable.  He sought supervision from a more experienced therapist.

In reading the case study for Unit 6, how do you assess Dr. Kim’s behavior?  Do you see any potential ethical issues?

  • Here is an article from Zur Institute that discusses dual relationships and boundary issues: Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, Boundaries, Boundary Crossing & Boundary Violations
  • Take a look at this article that discusses client/counselor relationship boundaries: Can Your Therapist Be our Friend?
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvN-cG5d48I

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