position of a staff nurse Interview Questions: Nursing Assignment, NUI, Ireland

Guidelines and Interview Questions

The following outlined below contains guidelines and interview questions for the position of a staff nurse. Please help me to formulate good structured based answers based on these guidelines and questions that will help me to complete the interview successfully and be offered a position as a staff nurse.

  1. Revise scenarios in detail

Planning and Organising

  • What did it involve
  • Background to the situation
  • Where were you
  • Who was involved
  • Resources available to you
  • What else were you responsible for at that time
  • How did you deal with
  • What were your concerns
  • How did you address these
  • What was the end result
  • How do you think this experience applies to the staff nurses role
  1. Planning and Organising: How do you plan your work schedule

Building and maintain relationships

  • What did it involve
  • Background to the situation
  • Where were you
  • Who was involved
  • What was the issue
  • What else were you responsible for at that time
  • How did you deal with
  • What were your concerns
  • How did you address these
  • What obstacles did you encounter
  • How did you deal with these obstacles
  • How do you think this experience applies to the staff nurses role
  1. Scenario; Patient/relatives complains about the standards of hygiene on the ward, how do you deal with this?
  2. Managing Conflict: Take me through a situation where you had to deal with conflict

Who? What? Where?  When? How?

 Committed to providing a quality service

They are looking for

Awareness of Policies, professional requirements

Professional knowledge

That you treat patients with dignity and respect

That you understand patient’s needs

Take immediate action and inform supervisors of issues

That you are flexible

That you are willing to learn

That you know about quality systems

That you monitor the quality of your own work

That you are committed to your own professional development

  1. Patient safety: how do you ensure it in the clinical area in relation to the following
    • Environmental checks
    • Patient checks NEWS etc
    • Correct footwear etc
    • Identification
    • Risk assessment tools
    • Medication management
    • Isolation procedures
    • Patient with same name
    • Nursing care plan/documentation
    • Clinical risk forms
    • PPPG
  1. Scenario; You come on duty and the CNM2 is ill how would you plan and organise the team.
    • Consider : Staffing level, skill mix? Patient acuity/dependency, care priorities, bed management patients in ED etc, stock levels, bed allocation, communication with nursing and MDT, documentation.
  2. Communication skills both verbally and written are considered.
  1. What is the key role of the staff nurse in the medical/surgical ward
  1. How would you recognise and/manage a patient that is deteriorating
  1. Hypovolaemic shock, how to recognise and deal with it
  1. Responsibility administering blood
  1. Sepsis How would you recognise and/manage a patient that is septic
  1. Infection prevention/control and patient bed management
  1. Patient with MRSA: how do you manage this
  1. Medication management? How do you administer medication safely
  1. Clinical learning environment. You are working with a new nurse HCA what do you need to be mindful of
  1. Teaching a procedure Hand hygiene, IM Injection, Taking a swab for MRSA
  1. How do you ensure your nursing practice is evidence based
  1. Scope of practice. You are a new nurse on the ward. You are asked to carry out a skill/procedure that you feel you are not competent in what would you do.
  1. Record keeping/documentation. What guides your practice in effective record keeping/documentation
  1. Can you take us through an example of where you have demonstrated your ability to effectively discharge someone.
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