Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Fourth Edition Ann Aschengrau and George Seage Copyright 2020 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company 1 Experimental Study Design – Write My Paper Today

Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Fourth EditionAnn Aschengrau and George SeageCopyright 2020 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company 1Experimental Study Design Suppose that you have been hired by the university administration to design a randomized experimental study to assess the following hypothesis among undergraduate students: Attending weekly yoga classes leads to better performance on exams. Be sure that your study design addresses the following elements:1. Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis. Remember that the design, conduct, and analysis of the study flows from the hypothesis. 2. How will you find and recruit participants?o Are there any exclusion criteria that you would apply?3. How will you define the exposure of interest?o How will you assign exposure? What will the unexposed condition be?4. How and how often will you collect information on exam performance? 5. What steps will you take to maximize and assess compliance?6. What are the ethical concerns in this study? 7. What other information would you like to know in order to design this study?8. Discuss how you would conduct the data analysis and design shell tables to describe the characteristics of the participants and the main study results.

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