Risk factor identification is a critical step in the process of supporting juvenile offenders. The risk factors for juveniles can differ from adults and can vary based on the stage of child developmen – Write My Paper Today

Risk factor identification is a critical step in the process of supporting juvenile offenders. The risk factors for juveniles can differ from adults and can vary based on the stage of child development of the juvenile. It is important to identify the risk factors for your specific client.

In this assignment, you are working as a juvenile court probation officer. You have been assigned Jennifer Scott. You can read about her background. You have been assigned to create a 9- to 12 -slide presentation with written speaker notes in the notes section of each slide that identifies all the major interpersonal, familial, and environmental risk factors for your client. You will use this report to create a comprehensive case plan for her in Week 5.

Specifically, your report should do the following:

  • Identify at least 2 interpersonal risk factors for your client.
  • Identify at least 2 familial risk factors for your client.
  • Identify at least 2environmental risk factors for your client.
  • For all the identified risk factors, justify why each is a risk factor for your client.
  • Discuss how juvenile risk factor identification differs from that for adults.

Cite at least 2 resources using APA format.

Part 2

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words and a referenced source:

Find in your state the age when you are considered an adult within the criminal justice system and which extenuating situations or laws would allow a minor to be charged as an adult.

State those requirements and then discuss when, if ever, it is ethical to sentence or try a juvenile as an adult. Additionally, discuss when, if ever, it is ethical to place juveniles in adult prisons. Explain your rationale. 

The post Risk factor identification is a critical step in the process of supporting juvenile offenders. The risk factors for juveniles can differ from adults and can vary based on the stage of child developmen – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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