Case study 2 Emily is 54 years old and was recently diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. She is overweight with a Body mass index [BMI] of 35. Emily is aware of her unhealthy diet and lack of exercise but is finding it difficult to motivate herself to change her daily routine. She is struggling to control her daily blood sugars. A recent visit for a blood test highlighted a raised HBA1c [average blood sugar level]. The GP has made a clinical decision

Case study 1
Luke is 14 years old teenager who enjoys exercise, especially mountain biking, He is a risk-taker with this sport and also has a diet fuelled by fast food and high energy drinks. Whilst riding his bike [not wearing a cycle helmet] Luke had a fall which resulted in him hitting his head and a brief period of loss of consciousness. No signs of injury were found but a clinical decision was made to admit him to the hospital for 24 hours to monitor his neuro observation for signs of deterioration.

Case study 2
Emily is 54 years old and was recently diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. She is overweight with a Body mass index [BMI] of 35. Emily is aware of her unhealthy diet and lack of exercise but is finding it difficult to motivate herself to change her daily routine. She is struggling to control her daily blood sugars. A recent visit for a blood test highlighted a raised HBA1c [average blood sugar level]. The GP has made a clinical decision to refer her to the Practice Nurse for a review of her Diabetes management and advice on improving her wellbeing and lifestyle.
Case Study 3
Cyril is a 58 year old labourer who lives within the travelling community. He smokes 20plus cigarettes a day and drinks approx. 22 units of alcohol a week to cope with his Anxiety disorder. During a routine blood pressure check with his local Pharmacist, Cyril was informed he had Hypertension. He also complained of pain in his knees when getting out of bed each morning. The Pharmacist made a clinical decision to advise Cyril to visit his GP for a consultation.


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