The purpose of the study is to explore the perceptions of hypertension among Nigerian immigrants: Nutrition Assignment, KUL, UK

The purpose of the study is to explore the perceptions of hypertension among Nigerian immigrants living in Newcastle and the intended results of the study would be used to provide education to minimize the risk of developing hypertension within the Nigerian community.

Description of the background with references to relevant

Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood vessels have continually increased pressure”. It is estimated that hypertension was responsible for 7.5 million death in 2012 worldwide, about 12.8% of the total of all deaths (WHO, 2012).). According to the Health Survey England 2016, the prevalence of hypertension in England among all adults is 29.6% and higher blood pressure is noted among both migrants of African and black African-Caribbean origin compared with other ethnic groups (Health Survey England 2016,

Evidence shows that hypertension or high blood pressure is a main contributing factor to the development of Cardio Vascular Disease(CVD), and CVD is the leading cause of adult deaths in the UK affecting millions of people each year (Health Survey England,2016)

However, the distributions of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases are not distributed equally across ethnic and economic groups in the United Kingdom. Its burden is more observed among minority ethnic populations and migrant groups including black African migrants. The fact that England has a large community of Nigerian immigrants, understanding their unique perceptions about hypertension may help promote proper care for this population in England and Nigeria.

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