Student Name: Date: Part 1: Data Protection Policy – Data Loss Prevention

Student Name:


Part 1: Data Protection Policy – Data Loss Prevention

With our experience, our education, or our position in the organization; we are often viewed as a contact to provide our information, knowledge, and recommendation on varying subjects. The megacorp calls this POINT OF VIEW (POV). The world of Information Technology is vast, and touches all areas of an organization. The world of Information Security are just as vast, touch just as many areas, and has the added responsibility to secure the company from risk. The ability to provide a quick response, to know our target audience, to shape our message and have immediate impact in a short window of time, is a skill we must develop and foster. The Week 5 Exercise simulates that need.


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation / Word Document / or PDF with the following requirements:

1.  Title Page

Your name



Instructor information

2. Table of Contents

3. Topics

Where data may exist in a company network (think local saves on a laptop, network file shares, enterprise databases)

How can data be moved inside and outside the company? (think email, uploading to storage sites, sharing on social media)

We need to describe the Data Loss Prevention to the executives being sure to cover Data At Rest, Data in Motion, and Data in Use

Define Data At Rest & Data In Motion (Transit)

Describe How can Data At Rest Be Protected & How can Data In Motion (Transit) Be Protected

What are restrictions and challenges to Data Protection Programs by countries outside of the United States (think England, GERMANY, Brazil, China)

4. Summary Slide

Provide a slide that summarizes what you would like the audience to remember from your document or presentation.

5. Works Cited Page                        

Formatting and Requirements

Standardized Font

References (No Plagiarism)

No Spelling or Grammatical Errors

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