BSBXCS303: Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information SCENARIO: You are employed by Anytown Marketing as an IT Consultant to assist in implementing their data security and privacy handling policies and procedures. You’re tasked to complete the first draft of this PIA report which will help your company Anytown Marketing. Currently, they do not have any policy around the us

BSBXCS303: Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information


You are employed by Anytown Marketing as an IT Consultant to assist in implementing their data security and privacy handling policies and procedures.

You’re tasked to complete the first draft of this PIA report which will help your company Anytown Marketing. Currently, they do not have any policy around the use of their user’s data. This is a major concern for both company clients and employees.

The goal of this report is to fix this major security issue and to avoid potential data breaches or information mishandling.


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