EDMT6633: Family Community and Contexts Case Study: Use the interview data in combination with relevant research to write up a detailed case study on the family. In writing up your case study it is important that you provide a critique of the research literature and draw on your interview data to either support or argue against theoretical arguments and ideas.

EDMT6633: Family Community and Contexts

Case Study:

Use the interview data in combination with relevant research to write up a detailed case study on the family. In writing up your case study it is important that you provide a critique of the research literature and draw on your interview data to either support or argue against theoretical arguments and ideas.

1) Demographic characteristics of the family

2) Specific challenges that the family faces

3) Access to informal support networks

4) Access to formal support services

5) Relationship with their early childhood educational service

6) Strengths of the family Case Study Structure

There is a range of formats researchers use in writing up case studies. It is important to remember that this is not a formal empirical study; rather it is a limited, informal case study intended to help you gain a greater understanding of the familial stresses and support and diversity among Australian families. However, you should follow the conventions of academic research writing in your report. Include the following in some form in your report:

  • Some background about your family participant age, ethnicity, family situation, etc
  • Identification of key research issues or theoretical arguments about the family
  • A description of the interview setting and summary of the questions asked (do
  • was submitted for Part A so does not need to be resubmitted
  • What you learned about your family participant in terms of the key areas outlined
  • Implications and recommendations for educational services


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