Select ONE country of the countries listed below and investigate the extent to which educational access and participation are affected by development-related issues these might include: poverty, malnutrition, and waterborne disease; child labor; gender equality, human trafficking; disabilities, and refugees. Investigate t

EDUC3830: Education in a Global Society

You will be assessed on your ability to:

  • access relevant information from a variety of academic and non-academic sources;
  • identify and analyze the impacts of selected developmental issues on educational access and participation in a selected country;
  • construct a piece of written work that is analytical in its approach and which shows clear evidence of thorough preparation and critical thought; and
  • use a clear, concise writing style that is scholarly in its approach, conforms to the conventions of the English language, and uses the appropriate referencing format.


Select ONE country of the countries listed below and investigate the extent to which educational access and participation are affected by development-related issues these might include: poverty, malnutrition, and waterborne disease; child labor; gender equality, human trafficking; disabilities, and refugees. Investigate the issue using a range of academic and non-academic sources.


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