Global Health Select a country and using the country that you investigated with respect to Global Health, propose research that looks at changing a key behavior or element within the population or society to improve the health of the population . State how you would go about instituting this change and how you would determine if it is meeting the goals for improving population health. Criter

Global Health

Select a country and using the country that you investigated with respect to Global Health, propose research that looks at changing a key behavior or element within the population or society to improve the health of the population .

State how you would go about instituting this change and how you would determine if it is meeting the goals for improving population health.


  • When completing this assignment, you should provide references, from peer-reviewed articles in current APA format.
  • Construct a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation with notes in the Notes section and a 1000-word transcript.
  • APA Format for PowerPoint


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