Popular Culture – Write My Paper Today

NPR: The Radio Hour Write a paragraph about your impressions of radio BEFORE you tune in for this assignment. How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite station? How do you think your

June 20, 2022

week 7 assignment

June 20, 2022



  • How does the distribution mechanism control the issues addressed in the artifacts’/expressions’ content?
  • Determine who controls the distribution of your chosen popular culture artifacts/elements.(music and Television)
  • In what ways does the controller of distribution affect the shared experience of the audience and community? Keep in mind that a community may be local, regional, national, or global. Be specific in your discussion.
  • Determine who controls the distribution of your chosen popular culture artifacts/elements.
  • In what ways does the controller of distribution affect the shared experience of the audience and community? Keep in mind that a community may be local, regional, national, or global. Be specific in your discussion.

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