Overview The purpose of this assignment is to deepen understanding of the Regulated Health Professions in Ontario. This assignment will build on learning from previous assignments and course work. Thi – Write My Paper Today


The purpose of this assignment is to deepen understanding of the Regulated Health Professions in

Ontario. This assignment will build on learning from previous assignments and course work. This

assignment will also demonstrate students’ ability to work collaboratively, cooperatively, and effectively

with a partner.

Students will work in partners (2 students per group). Each member of the group must actively

participate in the research and development of the content including the summary sheet and in-class


There are many benefits of a healthcare system where professionals work collaboratively to provide

care. Interprofessional collaboration is based on each profession understanding and respecting the

contribution made by all professionals. This assignment will provide an opportunity for you to explore

other regulated professions in Ontario and consider how nurses can work collaboratively with these


You will be assigned one health profession (other than nursing) that is regulated under the Regulated

Health Professions Act (1991).

Part A (10%)

Compare the assigned profession with nursing in the following areas:

 Scope of practice

 Controlled acts

 College structure & Mandate/Mission

 Commitment to the Public

Part B (5%)

Discuss how a collaborative relationship with professionals from each discipline will benefit clients and

you as a professional. You may want to include some evidence here to support your discussions.

Part C (5%)

In class on your assigned week, provide a short presentation (max. 10 minutes) presentation of your

regulated health profession. You are expected to be the expert on your assigned profession.

Remember you are presenting as if your audience is not familiar with the role of your RHP;

therefore; offering examples of the professional role would be useful.

Your presentation should include:

 the protected title(s) of your profession,

 what the role of the regulated professional is and what they do (including controlled acts)

 how collaboration with this profession benefits patient care; offer some practical examples

 How collaboration with this profession benefits you as a nurse

(Note: In class presentations may be changed by course instructor to accommodate online

formats or alternate presentation strategies)

The post Overview The purpose of this assignment is to deepen understanding of the Regulated Health Professions in Ontario. This assignment will build on learning from previous assignments and course work. Thi – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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