Internal Cyber Investigation Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the CRJ626 Unusual VPN Activity Scenario as well as the CyberNav Privacy and Security Policy. You must support your statements throughout the paper with evidence from a minimum of 10 scholarly or professional sources in addition to your t

Internal Cyber Investigation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the CRJ626 Unusual VPN Activity Scenario as well as the CyberNav Privacy and Security Policy. You must support your statements throughout the paper with evidence from a minimum of 10 scholarly or professional sources in addition to your text. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources (Links to an external site.) guide for assistance with finding appropriate professional resources.) For your paper, please consider the following problems related to the case study and policy documents:

Problem One: Determining if nefarious activity has indeed occurred.

Analyze the technical aspects pertinent to the scenario.
Explain a minimum of three methods that would assist the security personnel and information technology specialists to detect if a cybercrime has been committed.
Problem Two: Gathering necessary forensic evidence.

Examine and explain methods of retrieving and analyzing data from the internal network in order to gather necessary information that might assist in the prosecution of any responsible parties.
Problem Three: Determining if an individual external or internal to the company caused the unusual VPN activity.

Evaluate legal issues that might arise in detecting cyber crimes committed by individuals external to the company.
Explain how the current policy addresses potential infractions by company employees.
Once you have addressed the identified problems noted above, review the CyberNav Privacy and Security Policy and draft suggested revisions to sections of the policy that will specifically address the issues presented in the CRJ626 Unusual VPN Activity Scenario.


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