Mary, age 77, lives alone in the house where she and her now -deceased husband raised their only son, Michael. She remains close to a core group of friends, all of whom live within just a few miles of her home. She volunteers at a local library and is actively involved at her church. Michael lives 4 hours away by car and keeps urging her to move into a condo down he road from his house so that he can keep an eye on her and help her if she needs it. He is consulting you, a gerontology professional, about convincing his mother to move. Instructions: 1. Write an email in a Word document to Michael, the son in which you offer your professional opinion.

Mary, age 77, lives alone in the house where she and her now -deceased husband raised their only son, Michael. She remains close to a core group of friends, all of whom live within just a few miles of her home.

She volunteers at a local library and is actively involved at her church. Michael lives 4 hours away by car and keeps urging her to move into a condo down he road from his house so that he can keep an eye on her and help her if she needs it.

He is consulting you, a gerontology professional, about convincing his mother to move.


1. Write an email in a Word document to Michael, the son in which you offer your professional opinion.


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