Fluency Answer the following questions below: Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction—through the grades? Explain Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an ongoing process? What are the implications for teaching youngsters of different ages and within different subject areas? Fluency Main Idea Application/Details/Questions Fluency has a stronghold in reading due to its high correlation with comprehension (.91). This paired with the 4 part processing system explains that fluency is a necessary but NOT sufficient element for successful reading comprehension. • Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction— through the grades? Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an ongoing process? What are the implications for teaching youngsters of different ages and within different subject area


Answer the following questions below:

Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction—through the grades? Explain

Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an ongoing process?

What are the implications for teaching youngsters of different ages and within different subject areas?


Main Idea Application/Details/Questions
Fluency has a stronghold in reading
due to its high correlation with
comprehension (.91). This paired
with the 4 part processing system
explains that fluency is a necessary
but NOT sufficient element for
successful reading comprehension.

 Although not the only skill necessary to fluent
reading, easy word recognition remains a central
aspect. So how should that inform instruction
through the grades? Also, what does it mean that
fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply
a stage of early reading development, but is an
ongoing process? What are the implications for
teaching youngsters of different ages and within
different subject area


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