The potential success of the proposed project from a financial and macroeconomic point of view, and to evaluate its impact on the economy, society and the environment. Explain the meaning of the time value of money. Explain and compare two time-based and two non-time-based investment appraisal techniques which may be used when assessing the financial viability of the conversion project. Draw up and present a table of the results of your calculations; Explain your results an

The potential success of the proposed project from a financial and macroeconomic point of view, and to evaluate its impact on the economy, society and the environment.

Explain the meaning of the time value of money. Explain and compare two time-based and two non-time-based investment appraisal techniques which may be used when assessing the financial viability of the conversion project.

Draw up and present a table of the results of your calculations;

Explain your results and indicate which of the two options would be the more  favourable;

Show your calculations in an Appendix to the Report.

(approximately 600 words)b. Analyse the main macroeconomic factors which may affect the financial success of the conversion project. You should support your answer by referring to relevant economic theories and to current economic data in your chosen country and city. Examples could include conditions in the residential and commercial property markets, the current inflation and unemployment rates, interest rates and any other relevant variables. (approximately 700 words)

Analyse and evaluate the potential effects of the conversion project on the economy and environment of the city and on the social welfare of the local population, supporting your answer with reference to relevant theories and current data.(approximately 800 words)


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