Cyber Attack Mem In the memorandum you have been asked to address the following issues: 1. Based off of the facts we know, should the attack be considered a crime, espionage or act of war? What should the US response be? How can the US best defend itself from future attacks such as the one that just occurred? 2. Should the United States assign US Cyber Command with the responsibility of protecting certain private companies and if so, what should the general standard be for determining what companies the government should be responsible for defending? 3. Should the United States lead the effort at an international cyber agreement? Why or why not? What challenges would the President face in trying to get an agreement? Are there any alternatives? 4. Are there any substantive changes that should be made to the current US cyber policy?

Cyber Attack Mem

In the memorandum you have been asked to address the following issues:

1. Based off of the facts we know, should the attack be considered a crime, espionage or act of war? What should the US response be? How can the US best defend itself from future attacks such as the one that just occurred?

2. Should the United States assign US Cyber Command with the responsibility of protecting certain private companies and if so, what should the general standard be for determining what companies the government should be responsible for defending?

3. Should the United States lead the effort at an international cyber agreement? Why or why not? What challenges would the President face in trying to get an agreement? Are there any alternatives?

4. Are there any substantive changes that should be made to the current US cyber policy?


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