Week 5 Post Annotate/bold each topic addressed in response: 1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one? 2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location? 3. What was that experience like? 4. Empowering others is reciprocal in nature. What does this mean? 5. What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others? References must be within the past 5 years

Week 5 Post
 Annotate/bold each topic addressed in response:

1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one?

2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location?

3. What was that experience like?

4. Empowering others is reciprocal in nature. What does this mean?

5. What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others?

References must be within the past 5 years


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