Select one of the following faiths: Hinduism Buddhism Catholicism Orthodox Christianity Protestantism [includes faiths such as Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.] Judaism Islam – the religion of Muslims Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion by responding to the following questions: Describe the following factors associa

Write a research paper on the Spirituality on OrthodoxI choose Orthodox Christianity
Respond to the following (250 words minimum):
Contrast the meanings of religion vs. spirituality. Do not provide a dictionary definition.

Select one of the following faiths:
Orthodox Christianity
Protestantism [includes faiths such as Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.]
Islam – the religion of Muslims

Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion by responding to the following questions:
Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion: Major core beliefs (Include the name of the Higher Power, the name of the Holy Book used, on what day is the Sabbath if any, special requirements for prayer, if applicable.)
Beliefs associated with interacting with the opposite gender, attire, etc.
Any dietary restrictions, periods of fasting
Any rituals/practices associated with special holidays/celebrations
Any rituals/practices associated with birth/death
Any biases/stereotypes, etc. that you have heard, seen, or read related to the religion and its followers. Please share your thoughts about what you have heard, seen, or read concerning the biases/stereotypes.
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Textbook: Multicultural Health
Chapter 5


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