Be at least 1,750 words (not counting the references page) and no more than 2,00 – Answered

Be at least 1,750 words (not counting the references page) and no more than 2,000 words.
Typed in 12 point font and double spaced with 1” margins
Cite your sources in APA or a scholarly citation style that fits your topic (MLA, Chicago, etc.)
Include a bibliography
Articulate the importance of the issue you are investigating or the question you are answering.
Demonstrate the thoroughness of your research by contextualizing your argument with others’ work and ideas
Provide information and evidence that your scholarly audience will find persuasive
Address counter arguments or potential weaknesses of your own position
Synthesize at least 7 sources, including at least 4 scholarly sources from the Purdue Libraries’ databases or Google Scholar. Scholarly sources are sources written by experts in their set academic discipline. They can include books, articles, websites, etc.

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