Each student will select a campus issue (i.e., lack of adequate, inexpensive cam – Answered

Each student will select a campus issue (i.e., lack of adequate, inexpensive campus parking; difficulties getting into required course sections; or problems in the field placement assignment process) that you feel is significant.
The student will analyze how a macro level change might be implemented with time. Consider each of the following questions in developing a PERT chart:
Could students develop and conduct a survey to establish the significance of the issue and gain support?
• Which administrators might be approached about the issue?
• How could students present his/her position and plans?
• Would fundraising or grant writing be necessary to achieve the goal?
Develop a PERT Chart: Be sure to identify and include the following components: (1) the Goal of the project and (2) Objectives supporting the goal (at least two) and (3) establish a sequence of Tasks (activities) with assigning the person in charge of a specific task (action steps), and (4) propose a Time Frame for each task completion. Be Creative!! Brainstorming can be helpful. You may establish a PERT chart with concurrent task sequences for everyone involved.
Please see attached for Guide of 3 examples for you to go by. (Preferably like to IMAGINE MODEL/ PERT CHART)
Chapter 7 PowerPoint is also a guide to reference

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