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Topic: Identification and Evaluation of Literature for Proposed Intervention – Part 1

Please use the attachments to complete this assignments. 

Title of Project: Coping with Mental Health Issues: Suicide Prevention Among Adolescents & Young Adults 

PICOT-D Question: In the adolescent population with mental health problems in the High School settings, how does PHQ-9 tool impact in-patient referrals to the mental health department for over 9 weeks? 

The purpose of this two-part assignment is to identify a minimum of 15 empirical research articles that support the intervention for your proposed DPI Project. In this topic, you will complete Part I by identifying eight of the 15 articles.

In Topic 4, you will complete Part II, make any necessary changes based on instructor feedback, and then identify an additional seven articles.

General Requirements

  • Use the attached “Literature Evaluation Table – DPI Intervention” to complete this assignment.
  • Refer to the “Levels of Evidence in Research” resource, located in the Class Resources.
  • While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.


Using the “Levels of Evidence in Research” document attached, identify eight empirical research articles to support the proposed intervention for your DPI Project. Complete the following steps using the attached “Literature Evaluation Table – DPI Intervention” document:  

  1. Present your PICOT-D question.
  2. Table 1: Identify five primary quantitative research articles that support your intervention. Two of the articles must come from the United States or Canada. Three additional articles may come from any of the following countries: United Kingdom, Denmark, India, New      Zealand, Germany, or Australia.
  3. Table 2: Identify three primary or secondary quantitative research studies that provide additional support for your intervention or some aspect of your intervention. These four articles may      come from any of the 133 countries listed on the “International Compilation of Human Research Standards,” located in the Class Resources.
  4. Table 3: Present the nursing and change theory that align to the DPI Project (from DNP-815A).
  5. Table 4: Present the clinical guidelines that align to the DPI Project, if applicable. If you choose to implement a clinical practice guideline, include the primary research for the clinical practice      guideline as part the primary quantitative research that supports your intervention (Table 1).

You will complete this assignment in Topic 4. Be sure to review all instructor feedback for this assignment and make any necessary changes or revisions.


Astroth, K. S., & Chung, S. Y. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: Reading quantitative research with a critical eye. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(3), 283-286.

Amankwaa, L. (2016). Creating protocols for trustworthiness in qualitative research. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 23(3), 121-127.

Foley, A. S., & Davis, A. H. (2017). A guide to concept analysis. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 31(2), 70-73.

Bowen, D. M., & Forrest, J. L. (2017, January). Translating research for evidence-based practice. Access, 10-14.

Correa-de-Araujo, R. (2016). Evidence-based practice in the United States: Challenges, progress, and future directions. Health Care for Women International, 37(1), 2-22.

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