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Thinking about your own values and experience, how well do you think you are suited to a professional career in health and social care: Health and social care Assignment, UOG, UK


Thinking about your own values and experience, how well do you think you are suited to a professional career in health and social care? -Make sure to talk about yourself, your thoughts, and your values, whilst taking into account principles, regulations, and codes of practice learned this semester.

A Plan to help you might want to write:

1) What are you going to do? What is the point of this assignment?

2) A paragraph exploring/ talking about your personal values related to health and social care. You might want to choose two values to begin with

3) You might then like to write a paragraph talking about your own experiences and how these experiences relate to health and social care e.g. have you cared for someone, have you had your own experience in health and social care- you might have been ill

4) You might then like to write two paragraphs about how your values and experiences link to some of the theories, regulations, or codes of practices that you have read this semester. For example, you might want to refer to the Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) Code of Conduct, Professional Standards Authority (PSA), Safe Guarding Adults, Children’s Act (1989), patient-centered care, or something else that you have found.

5) A conclusion telling the reader why through your values and experiences and the theories or evidence you have provided, why you are suited to a career in health and social care

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