The power of partnerships: Explain the importance of partnership working with colleagues and other professionals

The Power of Partnerships

Question 1 of 7

1-Explain the importance of partnership working with:

colleaguesother professionalsother organizations

(Answer in 250 minimum to 500 maximum words)

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Question 2 of 7

2-Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes.

(Answer in 250 minimum to 500 maximum words)

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Question 3 of 7

3-List at least 5 barriers to effective partnership working.

(Answer in 100 words minimum word count)

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Question 4 of 7

4-Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working.

(Answer in 200 minimum to 300 maximum words)

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Question 5 of 7

5-Write an overview of the 2 day conference that you attended: “The Power of Partnership”

(Answer in 250 minimum to 500 maximum words)

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Question 6 of 7

6-What is the role of each of the following in child protection?



Health Professionals



(Answer in 250 minimum to 500 maximum words)

Question 7 of 7

7-Identify the features of effective partnership working.

(Answer in 250 minimum to 500 maximum words)


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