7CO03: To be able to critically assess different ethical standpoints on people’s practice and the maintenance of high standards: Personal effectiveness ethics and business acumen Assignment, CIPD, UK

Question 1

To be able to critically assess different ethical standpoints on people’s practice and the maintenance of high standards of ethical behavior.

Question 5

To be able to reflect on levels of self-awareness, self-management, and continuous self-improvement, leading to improved organizational success and career progression.

Question 7

To be able to demonstrate impactful behavior that is aligned with a wider organizational vision, values, strategies, and plans.

Question 9

To be able to plan continuing professional development that involves both planned learning and reflection.

Question 10

To be able to discuss the merits of evidence-based critical thinking based on a range of data analytics, across a wide range of current business topics.

Question 14

To be able to discuss ways of promoting organizational improvement through courage, political acumen and the willingness to challenge.

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