BBGO4103: Workforce concerns have been a hot topic of discussion in Malaysia’s many industries: Organisational Behaviour Report, OUM, Malaysia


Workforce concerns have been a hot topic of discussion in Malaysia’s many industries. Few industries have lost billions of ringgit in the last few years due to the lack of workers. In Malaysia, only 45.2% of those aged 55 to 64 are employed. This is significantly lower than in high-income countries. Women between the ages of 55 and 64 have a relatively low employment rate. The job prospects of Generation X and women workers should be improved. Using the most appropriate motivation theory, investigate the job motivations of employed Generation X and women in Malaysia. Make recommendations to the Ministry of Human Resources (policy maker) and the Human Resource Department.

Follow the guideline below to prepare your report:

Challenges of labour force participation

For women
For Generation X

Motivation theory

For the policy maker
For the Human Resource Department (HRD)

Part II


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

Share an issue of organisational behaviour in your workplace.
‘People’s job performance decreases as they age.’ What do you think about this statement?
Tell us about your job, and which value is the most important to you while doing it.
Share about the stress you experienced. What are the most significant sources of stress in your life?
Communication apprehension occurs when people are afraid of communicating. If you have ever had communication apprehension during a meeting, describe what you felt about the situation.
Or any topic related to organisational behaviour.

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