This assignment will help you understand the details of different study designs and discem the appropriateness of pecific study designs for var dentify key terms. You hypothesize that the use of social media for more than 2 hours daily is related to depression and suicide ideation. ation to the following points: operationalization of the outcome. selection of controls, and difficulties in conducting such a study. Be sure to include in your study design methods to overcome recall bias in interviews for a case-control study. between 1-2 pages. You

() Meisenger | Faceno.

Week 3 Assignment
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Start Assignment

This assignment will help you understand the details of different study designs and discem the appropriateness of
pecific study designs for var
dentify key terms.
You hypothesize that the use of social media for more than 2 hours daily is related to depression and suicide ideation.
ation to the following points: operationalization of the outcome.
selection of controls, and difficulties in conducting such a study. Be sure to include in your study design methods to
overcome recall bias in interviews for a case-control study.
between 1-2 pages. Your paper needs to have at least 5 references

Description of your hypothetical study
(one can be the textbook for this course). All references are to be written in APA format.
See the rubric for specific grading criteria
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific tiene)

Points: 100
Week 3 Assignment Rubric

6 10 20 pts
Does Not Mee
Presents a
superficial or

10to >9.0 pts
910 27.3 pts
7310 60pts
of study
Meets Expectations
Approaches Expectations
Falls Slightly Below
Presents an insightful an
id Presents a sold summary of
thorough summary of the the study design, but some
studly thesign. Thoroughly
Presents a linked
summary of the study


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