Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source provided. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following: The problem addressed The methodology, measurements, and sample The findings Conclusions and limitations of the research design 4.)Compare and contrast the cognitive interventions presented in your articles (at least one intervention per article) and explain why you think they would be effective. Include the following in your comparison: The respective strengths of each intervention 5.)How the articles address your target population. If they do not, what would need to be modified in the intervention? 6.) References

Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source provided. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following: The problem addressed The methodology, measurements, and sample The findings Conclusions and limitations of the research design 4.)Compare and contrast the cognitive interventions presented in your articles (at least one intervention per article) and explain why you think they would be effective. Include the following in your comparison: The respective strengths of each intervention 5.)How the articles address your target population. If they do not, what would need to be modified in the intervention? 6.) References


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