Your primary goal in the Genre Analysis draft is to show that you’ll be able to support your thesis sentence in an organized way. You’ll want to make sure that you have: . a thesis sentence that compares or classifies and says what the main points of comparison or classification will be some examples already, even if not complete, in several body paragraphs that pull together multiple quotes from multiple sources a clear organization that shows you’ll be comparing in a point-by-point organization or classifying over a series of categories As with any draft, the more you have completed, the more commentary you’ll be able to receive. But if you aren’t able to write much, you should say what you’ll be including in your likely paragraphs.

Your primary goal in the Genre Analysis draft is to show that you’ll be able to support your thesis sentence in an
organized way. You’ll want to make sure that you have:
. a thesis sentence that compares or classifies and says what the main points of comparison or classification will be
some examples already, even if not complete, in several body paragraphs that pull together multiple quotes from
multiple sources

a clear organization that shows you’ll be comparing in a point-by-point organization or classifying over a series of
As with any draft, the more you have completed, the more commentary you’ll be able to receive. But if you aren’t able
to write much, you should say what you’ll be including in your likely paragraphs.


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