SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory Semester Project Guidelines 5-6 pages (1250-2000 words) Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency. 1) Four Elements a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory. b) How this topic relates to/effected by society c) Examples from the real world d) Personal Reaction, Reflection 2) Avoid the Book Report Approach

Overview: This unit addresses four main theories as they apply to motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Behavioral Learning Theory, Attribution Theory, and Expectancy Theory. For this assignment, you are tasked with creating your own unique visual representation that depicts a comparison of these four theories. By the Friday deadline, share your work with the class in the Unit 4 Assignment Forum. By the Sunday deadline, review your classmates’ work and provide at least one reply.

Instructions: You can choose how you would like to create your visual representation of these four (4) theories – perhaps by making a simple graph or chart in a Word document, creating a PowerPoint slide, or using an infographic. Whichever way you decide to create it, your visual representation must include the following:

• Key Concepts: Identify and briefly describe the key concepts of each theory.

• Application to Classroom: Provide two (2) brief examples of how each theory might be

applied intentionally in a classroom setting [a total of eight (8) examples in all].

o (Example: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Provide breakfast to all students at the

beginning of day to ensure that Physiological Needs (first tier of hierarchy) are met for

students to prepare for optimal learning).


• Provide at least one (1) peer response that elaborates on your classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation, presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration, and raises a question, or politely offers an alternative perspective.

• Include at least two (2) reference citations in correct APA style formatting.

• Post the visual representation and your response to the Assignment Forum by the due dates listed above.

PSY260 – Educational Psychology

Unit 4 Assignment: Visual of Motivational Theories

Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Visual of Motivational Theories Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Development

Needed Satisfactory Proficient

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-17 Points) (18-20 Points)

Did not correctly identify key concepts of this theory and did not provide a relevant description.

Missing some key concepts and/or description is lacking clarity or important details.

Identified the key concepts of this theory, but the description may be lacking a few important details.

Identified all key concepts of this theory and provided an accurate, concise description.

Behavioral Learning Theory

(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-17 Points) (18-20 Points)

Did not correctly identify key concepts of this theory and did not provide a relevant description.

Missing some key concepts and/or description is lacking clarity or important details.

Identified the key concepts of this theory, but the description may be lacking a few important details.

Identified all major key concepts of this theory and provided an accurate, concise description.

Attribution Theory

(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-17 Points) (18-20 Points)

Did not correctly identify key concepts of this theory and did not provide a relevant description.

Missing some key concepts and/or description is lacking clarity or important details.

Identified the key concepts of this theory, but the description may be lacking a few important details.

Identified all key concepts of this theory and provided an accurate, concise description.

Expectancy Theory

(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-17 Points) (18-20 Points)

Did not correctly identify key concepts of this theory and did not provide a relevant description.

Missing some key concepts and/or description is lacking clarity or important details.

Identified the key concepts of this theory, but the description may be lacking a few important details.

Identified all key concepts of this theory and provided an accurate, concise description.

(0-2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points)

Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

CRITERIA Deficient Development

Needed Satisfactory Proficient

Reference Citation in APA Style Formatting

Reference citations were not present, and/or APA style formatting has significant errors.

Some citations were missing, and/or citations have some issues with APA style formatting.

All references were cited, but citations have minor errors in APA style formatting.

Reference citations were included and correctly formatted in APA style.

Peer Response

(0 Points) (5 Points) (8 Points) (10 Points)

No response post made to a classmate’s visual.

Peer response provided, though minimal and lacking depth by restating or summarizing what was already expressed, details, and new ideas missing or lacking.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment but does not raise a question or offer an alternative perspective.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation; presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration; raises a question or politely offers an alternative perspective.

Posting Due Dates

(0 Points) (3 Points) (5 Points)

The visual and response were not posted by the due dates of the unit.

Either the visual or the response was not posted by the due date of the unit.

Both the visual and response were posted by the due dates of the unit


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