Women’s suffrage Discussion: Historical Analysis This week, you read articles within your webtext about the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), two major efforts to establish equal rights for women in the United States. In your discussion post, address the following: Choose one sentence or short section from the article you read on the women’s suffrage movement. Quote the sentence or section in your post and briefly explain how your chosen sentence or section illustrates the concept of historical causality. After reading the article on the ERA, summarize the author’s statement about the ERA in one or two sentences. To support your answer, quote one or two sentences from the article that convey the author’s central point.

Women’s suffrage

Discussion: Historical Analysis

This week, you read articles within your webtext about the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), two major efforts to establish equal rights for women in the United States. In your discussion post, address the following:

Choose one sentence or short section from the article you read on the women’s suffrage movement. Quote the sentence or section in your post and briefly explain how your chosen sentence or section illustrates the concept of historical causality.

After reading the article on the ERA, summarize the author’s statement about the ERA in one or two sentences. To support your answer, quote one or two sentences from the article that convey the author’s central point.


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